Under the Corporate Transparency Act, various authorities, including Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials, and select foreign officials submitting requests through a U.S. Federal government agency, can obtain beneficial ownership information. Private citizens cannot access this database and it is not public information.
This access is granted for activities authorized in national security, intelligence, and law enforcement. Financial institutions may also access such information in specific situations, provided the reporting company consents.
Additionally, regulatory bodies overseeing these financial institutions will have access during their supervision processes.
FinCEN is in the process of formulating rules to govern the access and handling of beneficial ownership information. All reported information will be securely stored in a non-public database, utilizing robust information security measures commonly employed in the Federal government for safeguarding sensitive yet unclassified information systems at the highest security levels.
FinCEN will collaborate closely with authorized parties to ensure they comprehend their roles and responsibilities, guaranteeing that the information is used solely for authorized purposes and handled in a manner that prioritizes security and confidentiality.